- JET 3270 Documentation / Installation
In this section:
Installing JET 3270 on your workstation
JET 3270 installation depends on your workstation system type:
- For a Microsoft system:
- Download the JET 3270 self-extracting archive, jet3270.exe, to your disk
- Run the self-extracting archive, jet3270.exe, by double clicking it.
- Follow the on screen instructions. Note: JET 3270 now automatically includes your licence details in the JET3270Key.jlk file in the "applet" sub-directory. It includes a licence key that expires. Platypus Partners will make new licence details available upon renewal of your Annual Licence Fee.
- Select Start -> Programs -> JET 3270 -> Launch JET 3270. Your default browser will start and open the page that loads the JET 3270 applet.
- For a Unix/Linux system:
- Create a new JET directory on your workstation
- Copy the JET 3270 tarred, jet3270.tar, or tarred and gzipped, jet3270.tar.gz, archive into your JET directory
- From your favourite shell, gunzip, using the command: gunzip jet3270.tar.gz the archive if required. Untar it using the command:
tar -xvf jet3270.tar
Note: JET 3270 now automatically includes your licence details in the JET3270Key.jlk file in the "applet" sub-directory. It includes a licence key that expires. Platypus Partners will make new licence details available upon renewal of your Annual Licence Fee.
- Using your JavaTM enabled browser open the Shortcut.htm file in the applet directory. This page loads the JET 3270 applet.
Installing JET 3270 on your web server
Examine the "Readme.txt" file for a description and complete listing of the files in the distribution. Check all files are present and have the correct size.
Examine the "Release Notes.txt" file for information on this version of JET 3270.
Examine the file Shortcut.htm using your favourite text editor for a sample web page which will load the JET 3270 applet.
To allow a user to load the JET 3270 applet you have three choices:
Use the sample Shortcut.htm file.
Create a new web page and insert the required HTML to load the applet.
Edit an existing web page and insert the required HTML within the page.
Restart your browser. Some browsers store loaded applets in their memory and automatically use the stored versions even if you click on Reload or clear the disk or memory cache.
Using your JavaTM enabled browser, specify the URL of the web page which loads the JET 3270 applet