- Products / JET API / JET API 3270 / Features
JET API 3270 Features
As a Java API, JET API can be implemented on any Java enabled web server or client workstation platform. Your new host legacy application interface brings all the benefit of a Java web solution.
JET API 3270 developed applets and applications can perform host access functions:
Open a session to the host
Close a host session
Get specific strings of data from fields on a host screen
Get attributes associated with the fields
Set response field values
Simulate user function keys to send data to the host
Wait for host response
JET API 3270 features & benefits:
Platform independent, not web server or client specific
Operates on the 3270 datastream
Easy to navigate
Support for 128-bit encrypted sessions
Java Beans support provides for quick development cycles and minimal Java expertise.
No terminal emulator required on the client workstation
Extend the reach & ease of use of your 3270 legacy applications
Maximise investment in legacy applications
All the benefits of a Java web solution, significant cost savings
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