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JET 3270 -

JET 3270

  • System Requirements

What do I need on my workstation to run JET 3270?

Supported operating system and browser environments :

JET 3270 client support includes all Microsoft Windows Operating System, Unix and Linux.

What do I need on my host to run JET 3270 ?

IBM Host system requirements :

Comments: JET 3270 uses very few resources on your IBM system, so virtually any IBM host system is supported.

Platform: Any
Disk: 0MB
Software: MVS/ESA, TCP/IP and TN3270 server, optionally any web server

What network do I need to run JET 3270 ?

Network requirements :

TCP/IP network connecting workstation and TN3270 server, allowing a Telnet connection from the workstation to the TN3270 server.

Note : JET 3270 does not support IPX or SNA connections from the workstation.

  • Installing JET 3270

Installing JET 3270 on your workstation

JET 3270 installation depends on your workstation system type :

  • For a Windows system :

    • Download the JET 3270 self-extracting archive, jet3270.exe, to your disk

    • Run the self-extracting archive by double clicking it or the Start, Run menu.

    • Select the installation directory. The default is "C:\Program Files\JET3270". The self-extracting archive will expand JET 3270 into "applet" and "document" sub-directories.

  • For a Unix/Linux system :

    • Create a new JET directory on your workstation

    • Copy the JET 3270 tarred, jet3270.tar, or tarred and gzipped, jet3270.tar.gz, archive into your JET directory

    • From your favourite shell, gunzip, using the command: gunzip jet3270.tar.gz the archive if required. Untar it using the command:
      tar -xvf jet3270.tar

Using JET 3270

JET 3270 can be used as a standalone emulator running from your workstation. In this case run Shortcut.htm (in the JET 3270 distribution) from your local hard disk. This will get you up and running JET in just minutes if you have the correct operating system and browser installed on your workstation. This method of JET operation is great for a quick evaluation of JET in your environment or for users that have no web strategy in place at this time.

Detailed instructions for running JET 3270 from your workstation are provided in the "Quick Start" files in the JET 3270 distribution. These files are in the main directory of the distribution with the following names:

Quick Start for Windows.txt
Quick Start for Unix.txt

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