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- JET 6530 Documentation / Configuration


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Creating a web page which will load JET 6530

The portion of JET 6530 which runs inside the user's web browser is known as a JavaTM applet. The applet is a set of class files. Class files are the compiled Java code. These class files are provided with the JET 6530 distribution as a JAR file (JET6530J.jar).

To include a JET 6530 applet in a web page, the web page needs to include an <APPLET> tag that specifies CODE=com.platypuspartners.jet6530.JETApplet6530.class.

The applet also needs a space on the screen into which it can draw. This is specified by the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes of the <APPLET> tag.

There are several web page editors that will allow you to insert a reference to an applet without the web page designer being aware of the HTML commands that the editor generates. It is equally valid for the web page designer to use such an editor so long as the CODE, ARCHIVE, WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes are set correctly. Note also that class file names are case sensitive. For newer versions of Java from Oracle, you also require the "jnlp_href" attribute.

Although there are many other class files for the JET 6530 applet stored in the JET6530J.jar file, the web page designer need not specify these in the <APPLET> tag. The web browser will automatically identify the other class files that the JET 6530 applet needs.

Applets can be "configured" by including parameters embedded in the <APPLET> tag. The web page designer can include parameters using <PARAM> tags. Refer to Applet Parameters for more information.

Applet parameters

Applet parameters appear in the web page used to load JET 6530. They are used to configure JET 6530. For example, applet parameters specify the names and URLs of web sessions that JET 6530 users can open.

Applet parameters are specified with <PARAM> tags enclosed by the <APPLET> and </APPLET> tags. An example of an <APPLET> tag which loads JET 6530 and specifies two web sessions, is:

<APPLET CODE=com.platypuspartners.jet6530.JETApplet6530.class
ARCHIVE=JET6530N.jar jnlp_href="JET6530.jnlp" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=40>
<PARAM NAME="web_session_name_1" VALUE="locis">
<PARAM NAME="web_session_url_1" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="web_session_name_2" VALUE="Accounts">
<PARAM NAME="web_session_url_1" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="last_web_session" VALUE="2">

Your Web Browser is not currently Java-enabled.


The following table lists the JET 6530 applet parameters

If a parameter name is not specified correctly, or its value is invalid, JET 6530 uses the default value for that parameter.

Current Release
JET 6530 7.0A

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NAME VALUE type Default Value Description
alarm_audio File name Audio file that JET 6530 plays when it sounds an alarm for users without saved preferences.
allowed_hostname Hostname or IP address localhost Hostname users are allowed to connect to when when "disable_hostname_port" is "yes".
allowed_port Integer 23 Port number of host users are allowed to connect to when when "disable_hostname_port" is "yes".
audio_enabled yes, no yes Whether JET 6530 attempts to sound any alarms for users without saved preferences.
debug yes, no no Provide debugging and tracing information for users without saved preferences.
disable_hostname_port yes, no no Disable the user's ability to specify a host to connect to.
disable_new_window yes, no no Disable the user's ability to create new JET 6530 windows.
disable_preferences yes, no no Disable the display and modification of preferences.
disable_session_settings yes, no no Disable the display and modification of session settings and the use and saving of local sessions.
help_source One of:
code_base Location from which help files are loaded for users without saved preferences.
help_custom_url HTTP URL (no default) URL of location from which help files are loaded if "help_source" is "custom" for users without saved preferences.
ignore_meta_under_unix yes, no yes Whether JET 6530 ignores the Meta key when running under Unix or Linux.
key_activity_timeout Integer 0 Minutes JET 6530 waits before disconnecting due to no key activity.
last_web_session Integer -1 Number of the highest numbered web session.
show_keyboard yes, no yes Whether JET 6530 shows the on-screen keyboard for users without saved preferences.
show_statusbar yes, no yes Whether JET 6530 shows the status bar for users without saved preferences.
show_toolbar yes, no yes Whether JET 6530 shows the toolbar for users without saved preferences.
startup_operation One of:
-- none
-- new_window
-- new_session
-- open_session
-- open_session_new_window
none What JET 6530 does when it starts up for users without saved preferences.
startup_session Session name empty The session opened if the startup operation is Open Session or Open Session in New Window.
toolbar_size One of:
small Toolbar icon size for users without saved preferences.
warn_unsupported_vm yes, no yes Display warning if virtual machine is unsupported for users without saved preferences.
web_session_name_x String empty The name of web session number x.
web_session_url_x HTTP or file URL empty The URL of web session number x.

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